Bernadette Rowley - Fantasy Romance
Bernadette Rowley Fantasy Romance
Bernadette’s Blog2022-07-19T13:31:58+10:00

Bernadette’s Blog

Happy New Year!

Looking back over 2017, I notice a vague sense of unease. Have I achieved enough? What could I have done

Happy Halloween!

It's that time of year when everyone's thoughts turn to the paranormal. So what better time for an author in

FREE BOOKS galore!

It's been quiet here of late but I'm back with a last minute opportunity I don't want you to miss.

Merry Christmas 2016

Anyone else think the year has flown? How much have you packed into this year? For me, 2016 has been

The Lady’s Choice FREE!

This lovely lady is feeling like she has been forgotten. Yes! I'm talking about my second book, The Lady's Choice.

The Elf

When I began my fantasy romance series, I never realised that elves would feature so prominently. But as most writers


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