bernadette rowley

The Lady’s Choice- Pre-Order

These are exciting times and never more exciting than awaiting the ‘birth’ of a new book. I learned this morning that ‘The Lady’s Choice’ is now available for pre-order. How wonderful is it to be able to be amongst the first to read a new book?

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my readers for your support over the last year since the release of my debut novel, Princess Avenger. It has been an absorbing and magnificent experience.

For any wishing to pre-order The Lady’s Choice, here are the links:

Amazon itunes , Kobo and Google Play.

Of course, The Lady’s Choice already has it’s own page on Goodreads. For those readers who haven’t already discovered Goodreads, head on over and join in the fun. It’s a great way to keep track of the books you’ve read and compile your ‘to be read’ list, not to mention sharing your reading experience with other readers. Not a bad way to discover new authors and new books as well.

I’m fast approaching 5000 visitors to this blog since its inception and I have loyal readers to thank for that, too. I really enjoy sharing my thoughts, life and achievements with you. Please continue to share this blog in whatever way you can.

My official release date for The Lady’s Choice is the 14th October 2013. I hope you enjoy it. In the coming weeks I’ll be sharing with you interviews and blogs where you’ll get to learn more about what makes me tick and how my stories are born.

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