bernadette rowley

Cover Reveal- Elf Princess Warrior

Elf Princess Warrior- Wildecoast Saga Book II b

Caught up in a vicious civil war, elven princess Gwaethe Arenil is desperate to save her faction and reunite her people. Help presents itself in the form of Captain Jacques Vorasava, the dashing human Brightcastle commander. But does Jacques’s aid come with more dangers than Gwaethe can endure, both for her people and her heart? This story continues themes from The Elf King’s Lady.

When I wrote The Elf King’s Lady, I realised I would be returning to  give Gwaethe Arenil her happily ever after. Gwaethe is the half-sister of Elf King’s Lady hero Kain Jazara and there was much left in his story, let alone Gwaethe’s. The exotic elven princess is determined to save her people and bring Kain into his rightful place as leader of the elven race.

Gwaethe was a major secondary character in Elf King and this is where she met Jacques Vorasava, the human she finds difficult to resist. They fought on the same side, creating a bond of respect and loyalty that laid the foundations for deeper feelings. But as they are thrown together a second time, Gwaethe begins to realise the yawning chasm that separates them.

Elf Princess Warrior is a story of inter-racial love set amidst the greater conflict of war. I hope readers enjoy the story as Gwaethe and Jacques navigate the treacherous territory of lust, love, war and political intrigue. Elf Princess Warrior will be available at the end of the year.

Please leave a comment below to go into the draw to win a copy of my most recent book, The Master and the Sorceress.

Until next week!

Bernadette x

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