bernadette rowley

The Avenging Princess Returns

Yes, you heard it here first! The avenging princess Alecia is back and looking better than ever. After much thought, I decided to self publish my first two titles, previously published with Penguin Australia: Princess Avenger and The Lady’s Choice. Both have new covers and will be available from all good ebook retailers.

Added to that news, I have plans to complete the trilogy begun with Princess Avenger:

Book 2 of the Brightcastle Saga is Princess in Exile– already written and in the editing process.

Book 3 of the Brightcastle Saga is The Queen Returns

The covers of these two books I will hold close to my chest until closer to their release dates.

Also remembering that this year sees the release of my two Momentum Australia titles: The Lord and the Mermaid and Love Alliance. You can read an outline of these stories on my Coming Soon page.

Next week, the cover reveal of The Lord and the Mermaid is planned so watch this space! It’s release date is June 2015.

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