bernadette rowley

Fantasy Creation

Wow, it’s been a while since I last blogged and I can only blame the fact that I’ve been held prisoner by the process of creating my next manuscript. Love Thy Enemy, the story of beautiful mermaid Merielle and her dashing sea captain Nikolas Cosara has been put aside, awaiting a publisher, and I’ve turned my attention to secondary characters from The Lady’s Choice: Ramón’s sister Lady Alique Zorba and the dark and dangerous army captain Kain Jazara.

The two strike sparks off each other when they are brought together by Nikolas Cosara and then find themselves up against the burgeoning invasion by dark elves into the kingdom. Kain is faced with the daunting prospect of having all that he has known ripped from him and Alique must decide if she can accept the startling revelations from Kain’s past.

We are introduced to new characters who will inhabit coming books and one of these is Gwaethe, an elven princess. The cast of characters is ever expanding but many readers will want to know if we are ever to return to the love story of Alecia and Vard from Princess Avenger.

Let me reveal that part two of their love story is already written and again awaiting a publisher. I hope to have some news on that before the end of the year. In the third part of the trilogy, I plan to draw together the stories that have gone before and Vard and Alecia will have the happily ever after they deserve.

I wish to finish this by thanking you all for your support. Please be assured that the kingdom lives on and new stories are being added with all your favourite characters. Who is your favourite so far?


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