bernadette rowley

Wonderful Townsville

We might have missed out on a real wet season here in Townsville and the romance that goes along with that but there’s still plenty to love about this great city. The weather is cooling down and the air is clear. The grass is still green and the sky is a deep, deep blue just like the eyes of your hero.

My hero has been out in the garden, restoring order to our lush, tropical foliage so I’ve included some images of ‘our place’ just in case you ever wondered what environment this writer gets to work in every day.

I can’t help but be grateful to live in this beautiful world, surrounded by these magnificent plants and animals AND loved by the most awesome family and friends one could ever wish for.

I’d love to see some photos of your beautiful world and the people you appreciate. If you wish to share, send me a link or a photo…

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