bernadette rowley

Weekend of Romance-Author Signing

I was lucky enough to take part in the author signing during the ARRA 2013 Convention. It was beautifully organised and set up with around 66 authors involved from the fabulous Amy Andrews, Anna Campbell, Anne Gracie and Nalini Singh through to Helene (Helium) Young. Somewhere in the middle were the Destiny team of myself, Jennifer St George and Imelda Evans. Over two hours, readers filed past, getting us to sign the amazing souvenir booklets which contained information on each of the authors. And oh what information! Who knew that one of Anne Gracie’s celebrity crushes was David Tennant (I’m with you Anne!) or that Anna Campbell would love to live on the west coast of Scotland or that Kelly Hunter would really like to be James Bond?

I got to sign the print version of my book for the first time. It was difficult to know what to write but hopefully I’ll be forgiven if it was a bit lame. What was most amazing to me was the reader interest in paranormal/fantasy stories. It was gratifying to speak to so many who read widely in the genre that I love. I guess I’m not so odd after all.

Writers are, first and foremost, readers and the weekend was a wonderful opportunity to network with other readers who are most definitely passionate about romance and books in general. There was a great sense of being with one’s ‘tribe’ and for solitary writers, which we all are, this was an opportunity too good to miss. I’m so glad I attended!

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