bernadette rowley

Princess Avenger Party

Once upon a time there was a woman who wanted to write and publish a book. She realised this was a long term goal but not how long it would take to be successful. The first book she wrote was a picture book because she had three little sons. Our writer soon realised this was one of the most difficult genres to be published in and moved onto junior fiction. She wrote two books in an adventure trilogy about a magical tree.

After eight years of toiling away on a very part time basis, our children’s writer moved house to a city in the north of her home state and vowed to take her writing seriously. She also moved genres again, this time to adult sci-fi or space opera as she likes to think of it. A romance developed between the hero and heroine in the first two of a nine book series but our writer got bogged down with the enormity of her task.

A good friend and mentor had the feeling her pupil would benefit from a change of scenery and suggested she write a romance; a book called Princess Avenger was born. After eighteen months of revisions, our fantasy romance author decided she would submit her work to a new digital imprint of Penguin Group Australia, Destiny Romance. She was accepted and six months and many more revisions later, the finished Princess Avenger, Vard and Alecia’s story, went on sale.

One month after its release, our author hosted her first book launch. It was a time for celebration, of catching up with old writing buddies and members of her wider community of friends. It was a moment to savour and one she will long remember. She left the night, dreaming of her next book and her next launch. One book was never going to be enough.

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