bernadette rowley


All the panic and uncertainty over the corona virus is wearing. Even the most optimistic of us must be starting to flag. Day after day there are horrible situations people are facing around the world as a direct result of this virus. To top it all off, the reaction of many is hard to fathom, irrational and downright uncaring.

I’d like the world to stop and take a deep breath and for humans to remember who we are. Even though we may feel out of control, there are many things within our power to control. One of these things is our reaction to what is going on around us.

You, as an individual, don’t have to react with fear. Fear breeds fear, we’ve seen that. You will get through this and when you look back after the pandemic is ended, you won’t want to be ashamed of your behaviour. That would be intolerable.

Young elf girl in night forest

Similarly, we should not be sitting in our homes, lost in our own pessimism. Have you forgotten how to dream? How to write? How to bring your most creative selves to the fore? This is the perfect time to get ahead of the game – make your plans, dream your dreams and start creating the life you want, the one you deserve.

You may be lacking in money, or choices or opportunity as this virus makes itself felt, but you as an individual can choose how to react and how you wish to see yourself when the worst is over. Will you doom yourself to fail your rocking chair test when the world returns to normal? How proud will you be when you look back on the start of 2020?

I don’t know about you, but I want to reflect on this time and see it as a catalyst for something better in my life. I want to be proud of how I used these days of uncertainty. The coming weeks and months are an opportunity for all of us – so dream big. And stay safe, follow sound advice and smile.

Leave a comment about how you plan to use this time, as we all take a step back from our communities.

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