bernadette rowley

Happy Halloween!

It’s that time of year when everyone’s thoughts turn to the paranormal. So what better time for an author in the paranormal genre to get out and about?

This blog has been very quiet lately and I apologize but life gets hectic. Hope you have all been busy with your own projects including a huge reading list of fantasy and paranormal titles. There’s never enough time in the day for reading!

As a bonus for my loyal followers, I’m having a special on three of my books for Halloween. Princess Avenger (SFREE), Princess in Exile (RAE50) and The Lady’s Choice  (RAE50). Princess Avenger will be FREE and the other two books half price- just apply the coupons, SFREE or RAE50, as applicable when you checkout on Smashwords. All files types are available including Kindle.

In the meantime, I sincerely hope you all enjoy getting out and meeting your neighbors, not to mention indulging in some dress ups and candy. Here’s me at last year’s Halloween. Fun!!

Until next time, happy reading!

Bernadette xx

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