bernadette rowley

Favourite Doctor Who Episodes

At the moment, I’m watching Doctor Who reruns for the nth time and that puts me in mind of my favourite episodes. We are talking the modern doctor, so here goes:

The Empty Child- was a memorable episode because it introduced Captain Jack Harkness into the series, one of the most enjoyable characters of all time. The three way tussle of the travellers was entertaining.

Tooth and Claw- was one of the scariest episodes and to this day, I hold my breath, expecting that werewolf to catch Rose or the Doctor. I loved stepping back in time as the Doctor meets Queen Victoria and we discover the origins of the Torchwood Institute.

The Girl in the Fireplace- has to be one of the most romantic episodes ever, starring David Tennant and his brief romance with Marie Antoinette- a poignant story of the great lady and her brush with the Doctor.

Blink- was pretty special and introduced possibly the most terrifying monsters in the Doctor Who series. Forget the Daleks and the Cybermen, the weeping angels are truly scary and even more deadly. We don’t see much of the Doctor and his companion Martha but this episode features Sally Sparrow and a truly amazing plot.

Series 4- with Donna Noble is my favourite series- for all that there is no romance between these two, they are great friends and Donna is able to make something of her life where before it was so mundane. My favourite episodes are Fires of Pompeii and The Unicorn and the Wasp.

Vincent and the Doctor-I loved meeting Vincent Van Gogh and seeing the tragedy unfold all over again. His works of art were truly stunning. Almost a happy ending.

The Day of the Doctor- I could watch this over and over again because not only did I get to see David Tennant as Doctor again (my all-time favourite Doctor)but multiple Doctors in one episode made for some very funny moments.

Did you notice I have a theme of favourite episodes? Except for Blink, they all go a back in time, examining great historical events and people. And in Blink, the Angels kill people by sending them back in time so I’m still sticking with my favourites theme.

What are your favourite Doctor Who episodes and why?

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