bernadette rowley

Review of Double Exposure

This was a gorgeous story by Charmaine Ross. Her setting in the high country of Victoria is beautifully described and takes on a character of its own.

Eden was a wonderful heroine and Adam a truly desireable hero despite his rough exterior. Eden is looking for her dream career and taking steps to achieve that. Ms Ross clearly understands what it is to take a risk and dream a dream and her prose in chapter six of the book was nothing short of inspirational.

Eden explains to Adam that she fears losing herself if she continues to exist in her dull day job. ‘I don’t think life is ever safe. Even if you stuff everything up, I think it’s a waste not to try to follow your dream. It’s a waste of that spark you were born with. What you’re here to do. To be.’

For me, this perfectly personifies how I’ve always felt about life. I can highly recommend this book. Find Double Exposure here:

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